Invention Keeps Fingers Warm While Texting in the Cold

Hunter Patrick Patercsak was freezing his fingers numb while texting friends from a tree stand in the woods. After typing a few words he'd have to shove his hands into his fur lined muff to thaw them out. That was his Eureka! moment.  He came up with the idea of a warming muff with a window in it so that he could text in the cold without numbing his fingers. His friends thought the idea was great. He refined the idea and took it into production. He calls his creation Textpac.  It's useful for anyone who wants to text in the cold - people at hockey games, football games, ice fishing, skiing and on and on.

The Textpac is available for under $20 from Meijer , Dunhams and Jay's Sporting goods . Or go to the Textpac website .

Read more on this story at Southfield MI's

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