Honest feedback based on deep experience. Maybe a licensing deal.

Invention Development, Prototyping, Patenting, Licensing and Marketing

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"We make money with you, not from you."

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Products created and commercialized by Invention City and its partners have generated over $500,000,000 in retail sales and tens of millions in royalty income. We are actively looking to license new inventions in all categories and all stages of development. When we say "yes" we offer to do it all and pay for everything so that you risk nothing more - we take responsibility for patents, prototypes, engineering, design and marketing, to turn your new invention idea into a manufactured product with a real opportunity for market success. The first step to working with us is our Brutally Honest Review. Click to see the video and read our fine print in bold.

Starting as garage inventors we've had over 25 years of experience creating, developing, licensing and selling inventions to Fortune 100 corporations and start-up companies. This gives us deep first hand knowledge of prior art research, market evaluation, building prototypes, engineering for manufacturing, industrial design, writing and filing US and international patents and trademarks, defending patents and trademarks in the US and internationally, negotiating licensing agreements, managing licensing relationships, sourcing and managing manufacturing and fulfillment, marketing via traditional distribution to mass merchants, chains, individual retailers, direct marketing via DRTV, internet and crowd funding, forming strategic partnerships and launching and selling start-up companies. We don't know of anyone in our industry who's had our breadth and depth of experience. We've enjoyed a lot of success and have learned from failures too. Learn more about us here.

You can see some of our past and current product successes below. Click here to see some of the inventions we currently have in development.

Learn About Invention City

Rated A+ by BBB

Possible Licensing Deals Start with a Brutally Honest Review

Over the years we've heard from inventors who've wasted thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars pursuing their dreams and failing. Invention City's mission is to help inventors keep money in their pockets, increase their chances of success and commercialize great new product ideas through licensing and partnership deals. The Invention City team is comprised of successful inventors and entrepreneurs who've made their money by bringing new patented products to market. We want to make money with you, not from you. Read about us here .

Honest Invention Review
Lies don't fly.

Choosing Invention City

The difference between Invention City and other invention companies is the success, depth and unique experiences of the Invention City team along with a business model that's structured to profit with inventors rather than from them. Invention City grew out of WorkTools, Inc., (read about WorkTools here.) We come at this business having been bona fide garage inventors and that's where our hearts remain. These links explain:

We believe that inventors should do as much as they can on their own and then, when informed and ready, seek help and advice from providers who genuinely care. Our Brutally Honest Review is a great way to get professional feedback and a real chance for success. A visit to the info booth is a good way to get started. Be careful about disclosing proprietary and confidential information to anyone. We hope that your visit is productive. Please visit us often and let us know how we can make things better.

Invention City provides inventors and new product idea developers with information, resources and help for each stage of the inventing process. Use the links above to learn how to:

  • Evaluate invention potential
  • Make an invention prototype
  • Understand patents and how to patent inventions
  • Submit inventions to potential partners
  • Invention licensing manufacturing and marketing

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Roy Orbison Hologram Gives Concert. Soon, We'll All Live Forever (kinda sorta maybe).

Posted on October 07, 2018

Does living require breathing, having a beating heart and firing brain synapses? Roy Orbison's body passed from the world of the living and into the realm of the dead thirty years ago. But his presence in music remained very much alive. Now, a holographic Roy Orbison is giving concerts. Read more at the LA Times. Will his digital embodiment next be endowed with artificial intelligence and an android body, will the next incarnation of Roy Orbison be a replicant? Mark these words. The next Facebooks and Googles will be businesses that animate digital personal profiles with artificial intelligence and virtual reality so ...

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Two Questions Every Inventor Should Ask

Posted on September 21, 2018

How to hedge your invention bets and minimize the risk of losing a lot of money Inventing is a great way to spend a lot of time and money with the guaranteed result, if you spend enough, of having some pretty pictures, a prototype, maybe some production samples and your name on a patent application or maybe even an issued patent. But making a profit is hard and inventing is best considered as a form of gambling. The guys and gals who count cards in black jack, know odds and can bluff at poker, can make a living as professional gamblers. Most ...

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How to Get Good Information From an Invention Survey

Posted on August 18, 2018

Brutally Honest versus Guaranteed Good News There are two good reasons to do a survey with your invention. One is to learn for yourself what people think about your idea - get suggestions for improvements and determine if enough people will buy it at a profitable price to make further investment of time and money worthwhile.  The second good reason is to offer proof of market potential to partners and investors. In both cases it is important that your survey accurately reflects market realities. A survey done for good reasons does not prejudice answers with leading questions; it informs respondents about alternative ...

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What Kinds of Inventions Does Invention City Say "YES" To?

Posted on June 04, 2018

When inventors submit their inventions for a Brutally Honest Review well tell them to expect to hear "no" and to benefit from learning why we say "no" along with suggestions on next steps. Beyond helping inventors help themselves, the reason we provide the Brutally Honest Review service is to find inventions we think are good bets for licensing and investment. Commercializing great ideas is how we make our real money.The YES inventions cross a wide range of commerce, technologies and industries. Click below to see some examples: Examples of YES. ...

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