Inventing Project Software/Guide by NventNode

Brian Gates, NventNode founder, is known throughout the invention industry and has been featured in Inventors Digest, Inventor Spot, Women’s Day Magazine,, and Gates says, "After working with hundreds of inventors and entrepreneurs, two traits began to emerge. Those that were successful had a clear understanding of the process and knew how to manage their development... I developed NventNode to provide inventors with a wealth of knowledge in a controlled environment while enabling them to manage all aspects of the process. The simple interface, clear explanations and powerful tools allow inventors of all levels to benefit from NventNode."
I spent a little time going through the NventNode process and believe that Gates and his team have done an outstanding job. The one weakness I found was that there was insufficient advice for the provisional patent step. It's a minor quibble that I'm sure they'll fix soon. NventNode seems to be worth many times its cost. If you're serious about developing your invention into a commercial reality you owe it to yourself to check out the website and see if NVentNode could work for you. Learn more about NventNode here.
- Mike Marks
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