Talented Inventor-Engineers Sought For TV Show

Whether the Chief of Police in Villamoura, Portugal, throws down the challenge to STOP JOY RIDERS, or the Norwegian Mountain Rescue challenges them to come up with a new AVALANCHE RESCUE DESIGN, our teams will come up with inventive solutions which demonstrate hands on skills and lateral thinking.
Solutions to problems like these could genuinely make a difference and will provide an hour of dynamic, unpredictable, fact packed and visually stunning television.
We're looking for people with extensive practical fabrication skills and inventive minds, who can explain science and engineering concepts in 'layman terms' as we follow the prototyping process from start to finish.
If you’re interested please e-mail rebecca.symons@renegadepictures.co.uk with a CV or short biog as soon as possible, plus contact details - or call 011 44 (0) 207 449 3276 for more information.
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