From Concept to Market in 10 Months

August 20, 2010 - Magnus Hammick wanted to listen to loud, crisp music from his iphone but couldn't find anything on the market that worked for him.  In late 2009, Hammick developed a pocket-sized speaker that delivers room-filling sound with amplified bass when it's placed on a flat surface.  He created the $80 WOWee ONE that connects to anything with a 3.5-millimeter audio jack and has a rechargeable battery for 20 hours of play. Since the product's launch about nine months ago, more than 150,000 WOWees have been sold. Hammick's success cannot be easily emulated by others. He had 18 years of experience as a professional product developer, deep experience in the field of audio technology, a friendly partner he trusted and he entered the market first.  Nonetheless, his story has many good lessons for beginning inventors and entrepreneurs.  Kara Ohngren does a great job of telling the story at Entrepreneur.

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