We make our profits by saying "yes" to invention ideas and then being successful at commercializing some of them. Below are examples of submissions Invention City has said “yes” to over the past two years.
Submit Your Invention for Brutally Honest Review
Like other types of investments, inventing is a form of gambling and it's worth noting that even when we say "yes" the odds are still better than 50/50 that the project will not make us any money. The good news, at least for inventors, is that once Invention City takes on the project, the inventor is not asked to spend anything more out of pocket. In other words, if you pay $95 for a Brutally Honest Review, that's all you'll spend, even if the cost of going forward for patents, prototypes, travel, presentations, video production etc. exceeds $100,000+. Moreover, after spending money to develop an invention, if Invention City doesn't make it work, nearly all of our deals provide that the invention rights and all of the development work are returned to the inventor without any future obligation or debt.
Updated August 20, 2018
No Dings® Car Door Protector
Stage of Development - Manufactured, patented and trademarked product being sold on Amazon.
Licensing Deal under negotiation
Invention City will take over the business and pay the inventor royalties.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Oscillating Saw Blade - Faster cutting blade that cuts sideways too
Stage of Development - Patented, prototyped, sourced.
Licensing Deal
Invention City will be producing a Kickstarter and offering the product on Amazon.
In house project developed by WorkTools, Inc.
VertiGrille™ - BBQ, oven, smoker accessory
Stage of Development - Manufactured, patent and trademarks pending, soon to be sold on Amazon
In-house project developed by Invention City
Energy Efficient Thruster - Meaningful improvement to thrusters for ships and offshore oil wells
Stage of Development - Drawings plus research with prototype in real world application.
Licensing Deal
Invention City is seeking creative ways to commercialize the invention through sublicensing deals and partnerships and is paying for all expenses.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Arterial Blood Gas Kit - Improved version of ABG kit
Stage of Development: Rough working prototype, pending non-provisional application.
Representation Deal
Invention City is seeking a licensing deal on behalf of the inventor.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Oil Well Maintenance Tool - Improved version of X-Line running tool.
Stage of Development: Concept model, pending, published, non-provisional patent.
Representation Deal
Prototype under construction with field testing to follow.
Invention City has begun negotiations with potential licensee and wrote contracts to enable prototyping and testing with licensing rights to follow.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Pain Relief Cream - All natural pain relief cream for arthritis and more
Stage of Development: Developed product. Trademark. NDC number for OTC sales.
Distribution Deal offered
Even though no deal is in place Invention City has travelled to meet inventor twice, created and run online surveys, sent samples to potential licensees and investors in USA, China and Europe.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Nightmare Protection Device for Children (placebo)
Stage of Development: Rough concept prototype, product name.
Licensing Deal
I-City is designing and creating a prototype and plans to launch this project on Kickstarter. I-City has filed trademark in inventor’s name and will be filing for a design patent in his name. Total I-City investment to date is $5000 with much more to come.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Stove Top Cooking Accessory - Alternative to microwaves and more.
Stage of Development: Rough working prototype, provisional patent application.
Licensing Deal
$150,000 spent to date by I-City and partners in product development, US and international patents, TV production and DRTV testing to conclude product not good for DRTV. Revised product and presentation being developed for Kickstarter launch.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Gold Mining Tool - Better way to pan for gold
Stage of Development: Concept.
Licensing Deal offered
With Inventor’s permission Invention City is speaking to a celebrity miner who has a show on Discovery Channel about making and selling this invention.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Seat Belt Accessory - Better way to fasten seat belts for elderly and people with kids in car seats
Stage of Development: Concept.
Licensing Deal
I-City handling product development, provisional patent filing, 3D animation. Planning to manufacture and distribute as I-City product.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
HVAC taping Tool
Stage of Development: Rough working prototype, provisional patent application.
Licensing Deal
Finalizing product design, Plan is to manufacture and sell to an interested customer that was contacted and pitched by I-City. In this project inventor engaged the services of a third party designer as part of the deal and spent about $1000.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
PKO2™ Altitude Adjustment Drink
Stage of Development: Rough working prototype, provisional patent application.
Licensing Deal
$50,000 spent to date by I-City and partners in product development, patents, surveys and presentations. Licensing is not viable. Exploring direct sales to launch on our own.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Carpenter’s Quick Square - Improved version of old stand-by.
Stage of Development: Refined working prototype, issued utility patent.
Licensing Deal offered
Declined by Inventor.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Pick-Up Truck Accessory - Protective cover system
Stage of Development: Rough working prototype, provisional patent application.
Representation Deal
I-City advised inventors on patent protection and prototyping; edited inventor video to make it shorter and strengthen messaging. Presented to numerous potential licensees. No takers.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
Image Lock® - Combination lock that uses images rather than numbers.
Stage of Development: Pilot production, provisional patent application.
Kickstarter Produced and Run by I-City
Now available at Amazon - Newest version has emojis!
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95 .
Binding System - lower cost, environmentally friendly binding system
Stage of Development: Refined working prototype, issued patents.
Representation Deal
Evaluated invention and market to establish a price for offering the invention in buy-out negotiations with a Fortune 500 corporation. I-City managed talks and came close to a deal. Deal ultimately failed because of declining category demand (less use of paper). Followed up with additional presentations, travelled to Amsterdam to meet with inventor and suppliers. Total investment by I-City of $15,000.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $95
New Form of Desk Lamp
Stage of Development: Concept.
Licensing Deal
Rights since returned to inventor.
Invention City invested in prototypes, wrote and filed provisional patent in inventor’s name, created presentation materials, made presentations to potential licensees. No success. Materials and rights returned to inventor.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $85
Crouton Maker
Stage of Development: Concept.
Licensing Deal
Rights since returned to inventor.
Invention City invested in prototypes, wrote and filed provisional patent in inventor’s name, created presentation materials, made presentations to potential licensees. No success. Materials and rights returned to inventor.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $85
Paper Puzzle - Together with app/internet creates unique puzzles for promotions and parties
Stage of Development: Rough prototype of puzzle, no app development.
Licensed by I-City
Rights since returned to inventor.
Invention City invested in prototypes, wrote and filed provisional patent in inventor’s name, made video, created presentation materials, made presentations to potential licensees. No success. Materials and rights returned to inventor.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $85
Bed Bug Protection Device
Stage of Development: Licensed manufactured product, license about to expire, patent issues.
Represented by I-City
Renegotiated licensing deal on behalf of inventor. Created new invention based on inventor’s concept and assigned invention to inventor. Revised deal will pay out approximately $1,000,000.
Inventor Payment to I-City: $6000 one time fee
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